Sunday, November 4, 2007


Is it just me or does anyone else think David Stern went to Kobe and said "hey could you make a bunch of noise about wanting to be traded again so we can remind people that the NBA still exists?" Honestly, I probably wouldn't have really known the regular season was starting otherwise. I haven't watched the NBA since Jordan retired and haven't really cared about the NBA since Magic was forced out of the game.

Thanks Guys

I'd like to thank the War College and SDP for their warm welcome to the blogosphere.

Ethiopia creates coffee flavored condom

Starbucks heard to exclaim "why didn't we think of that!?"

President on a Leash

Here is an interesting article by George Will. He advocates that Congress has been derelict in its duty in restraining Bush the Younger from making war, and until they assert their own constitutional authority they deserve to marginalized in the process. I would tend to agree with Mr. Will, but I don't believe the issue is a simple as Will presents it. Of course I don't have that much experience in these matters. Perhaps Professors Schaaf or Blanchard at SDP could enlighten us if they choose to.

Hillary Clinton

I love how Hillary has started to whine that the other Dem. candidates are picking on her. She wants to project that air of invincibility, but don't question her too hard about what she thinks because then that's just not fair. If you want to be the leader of the free world you should be able to handle criticism from Barbie Doll Edwards and I was probed by Aliens Kucinich.

No wonder VP Cheney walks that way

Here is an interesting article on the psychology behind politicians and why so many of them lately seem to be pissing their careers down their leg because of their "wide stance." Basically you have to have a big set of cajones to get into politics and succeed, and because of that politicians naturally take more risks. This quote jumped out at me: "Often, successful politicians got there largely because of that personal chutzpah, a risk-taking predilection honed and encouraged by success." Of course in the case of our accidental Governor Marion you succeed because the other two candidates manage to imitate primates throwing poo at each other through the whole campaign.

This wouldn't be a problem for Superman

Hong Kong pollution manages to do what the Joker and Penguin could never do...

world affairs

It seems that with each passing day I become more and more uneasy about the state of world affairs. The most recent news is that Musharraf has declared a state emergency in Pakistan, suspended their constitution , and removed the head of the country's supreme court. All this as the court was in the upcoming days going to issue a ruling as to the legitimacy of Musharraf's victory in the last presidential election. If one adds to that the boiling turmoil in Iran, the saber rattling by President Putin, and the continued global threat by islamic extremists it makes the cold war look almost pleasant in comparison. As americans are faced with choosing the next leader of this country. Every day I read the international section of the newspaper I become that much more convinced that the vote in 2008 may in time be looked upon as one of the most important votes in history.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Joe Torre

I am a huge Yankees fan. I have been for years. When I was growing up baseball wasn't watched all that much around my house. Naturally being from South Dakota the baseball that we did see was a lot of Twins and the ever present Braves. I gravitated towards the Yankees because of their history and to be honest I thought their interlocked "NY" emblem was pretty cool. I was skeptical when they hired Joe Torre in 1996. I was wrong. Joe Torre was in my opinion the heart and soul of the team. The reason this year's team managed to pull themselves back into contention was Joe Torre. I was furious with the way the Steinbrenner's handled Joe this postseason. Now I see that Joe has agreed to be the manager of the Dodgers. Its good to see that he landed on his feet. Joe will do a great job with them. Of course if the two teams were to ever play I would be rooting for the Bombers all the way.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Jabba the Klaudt

Hat tip to South Dakota Mac. He coined the joke and I like it so I'm going to borrow it. Living in Pierre you can't avoid at least some mention of the Klaudt circus. It's even bigger since Tim Rensch has brought his sideshow act back to town. Like Pierre didn't have enough of him when he blamed an 80 lb. twelve year old for her own mother's murder. As a member of the GOP I am embarrased that Klaudt is a member of my party. If what has been reported in the press is true he is a sick sick man. Knowing the people who live in this town; I am going to guess that Klaudt is already a convicted man. Of course I have been surprised before. I'll keep an eye on the news about the trial and an ear out for the local scuttlebutt. If I have anything else to say about Ted you'll probably see it here.

Carol Hillard

Today was Carol Hillard's memorial service. I met the Lt. Gov. a couple of times. She served her state well and she was obviously full of life. I wish her family the best under the circumstances.

Welcome to the Dog Pound

I have thought about this whole blog thing for years now. Several of my friends were blogging before most people knew what blogs were. Well, I decided to give it a shot. I'm a young professional living in South Dakota. I'm not going to promise daily posts or that you are going to like what I have to say. This blog is going to cover politics, society, culture, sports and whatever else I feel like talking about. So let's have some fun and please remember my bark is much worse than my bite.